Dear Expectant Parent

       We hope this blog will give you a look into our lives, and what life would be like for your child.  We want you to know our home is warm and happy, it will always be a place of love and encouragement.  We will strive to give a child every opportunity that comes their way, and experience life to the fullest!
       We believe that families are an important part of our success in life and who we become.  We hope to have open adoptions with our children, where the child has a relationship with their birth family.  We feel it is important for a child to have a sense of where they came from.  We would be happy for you to be able to continue to share in our joy as well as our family’s joy.
       We wish you courage in the days and weeks ahead.  We pray that your pregnancy is a time of hope and strength for you.  It takes someone special to consider placing a baby for adoption.  We are grateful for your decision and we respect you.  If you would like to know anything more about us, we would love to talk or meet with you anytime.

Best Wishes
  Kevin & Jessie Jo